Showing posts with label North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North. Show all posts

Mandai Boardwalk

Good Morning Blog,

After a hectic Saturday, today was a relaxing day to rest and finish my blog backlog, but I felt compelled to do something else. I knew I needed to buy something at the zoo, so why don't I go to the newly opened trail?

The weather appeared cloudy, but I do not think it will rain. So where am I going? As stated in the title, I intend to visit Mandai Boardwalk today, as it is frequently mentioned in hiking Facebook group posts.
Exploring the boardwalk and buying something there is like hitting two birds with one stone. My gut feeling told me that visiting there at noon would be ideal for reducing the number of visitors compared to the morning.

Failed Woodland Hike

Good Morning Blog,

I was supposed to meet a friend in the morning and then go to an afternoon event, but I discovered some work hiccups yesterday. Fortunately, I discovered it sooner rather than later, or through an audit...

I will go down to the woodland industry to fix the problem, so... why not I explore some of the woodland forest?
The reason I went exploring was because I wanted to revisit the abandoned factory, but I had heard that we could only get there through the forest.

One Rainy Path

Good Morning Blog,

If I have a free Saturday morning, I'll go hiking to try out my new camera. However, I've been asked to stay at my sister's house to help her sort through her housing applications.

Unfortunately, Miss Sky chose to shower the earth this morning.
After checking the weather patterns, the heavy rain appeared to be concentrated over the Indonesian islands and south of Singapore. Considering this, should I proceed with a hike?? I suppose... I will resume my sleep!

More Yishun Forest

Good Morning Blog,

The long weekend was rainy, so I couldn't go for a short hike. But today looks like a great opportunity! So where am I going then?

I had the pleasure of using my new camera and capturing some shots. I must say, it's a great investment! The colour and clarity are just perfect!
Today, I opted to revisit Yishun Forest, and I'm grateful that Elmo (who stays nearby) decided to join me on this little adventure.

Yishun Forest

Good Afternoon Blog,

I decided to clear this one from my list - explore Yishun Forest!

I don't know how to access it or what to expect there... Because I saw one of the Facebook posts and the hiker didn't wish to share much detail about it...
Honestly, I saw that Yishun forest many times, I dare not explore alone unless I am certain of what to look for.

Closed Oil Refinery Factory

Hi Blog,

Recently I went to an abandoned concrete factory and following up on today's trip - I registered for a paid visit to this closed down Oil Refinery Factory in the North.

Hmm... Gloomy weather though but I believe since it was paid for, it should stay open.
I have a question... Why paid? Hmm... Paid to get in? Paid for a guide?

Abandoned Factory

Hi Blog,

Recently, WS shared with me one exciting location and I was supposed to have a hiking trip with Az but due to timing constraints, I had to postpone Az's and will hike with him again.

Gloomy weather today because I just realised I didn't manage to transfer some photos before I started my trip below... And deleted it from my camera. Not a nice feeling to have...
As what you had read in my title, yes! Today I will be going to visit an abandoned factory! Let's go!