Abandoned Factory

Hi Blog,

Recently, WS shared with me one exciting location and I was supposed to have a hiking trip with Az but due to timing constraints, I had to postpone Az's and will hike with him again.

Gloomy weather today because I just realised I didn't manage to transfer some photos before I started my trip below... And deleted it from my camera. Not a nice feeling to have...
As what you had read in my title, yes! Today I will be going to visit an abandoned factory! Let's go!

Hempsey Hill Ruins

Hi Blog,

Last week, I came to Dempsey Hill to find the ruins which some hikers posted on Facebook but somehow... I got the wrong pin. (blog post) Then after consulting a few other hikers.

ZN texted me that he must step out hence he will join my today's exploration.
Back to the wrong pin, I guessed that the one who gave willingly did give me the right one but expected me to look around. As I watched LS's video, it seemed like it was there...