Abandoned Factory

Hi Blog,

Recently, WS shared with me one exciting location and I was supposed to have a hiking trip with Az but due to timing constraints, I had to postpone Az's and will hike with him again.

Gloomy weather today because I just realised I didn't manage to transfer some photos before I started my trip below... And deleted it from my camera. Not a nice feeling to have...
As what you had read in my title, yes! Today I will be going to visit an abandoned factory! Let's go!

Along the way to that factory... I noticed there are many abandoned factories too. It was empty but watched by CCTV. I wondered what had happened to these factories... It seemed like it was left unoccupied for years...
One thing is for sure, less demand and an unpopular site for any locals to visit...
Ah, that factory can be seen sleeping here.
Sooner, this path will be taken over by wild plants in no time.
The same fate as Old Mata Academy but at least, it is still manageable to access here.
Typical entrance for me
Oooo! What a big factory! Compared to those which we just passed by.
A unique feature was the tall pillars in the open.
I wondered what are these for.
Looked like a track to deliver stuff...
(Credit WS) From what I understand, this factory was a Concrete Manufacturer.
And since now I knew its location, I did a simple Google map by looking through past photos, This place was used for stocking the finishing concrete and ready to send out to other companies.
(Credit WS) No wonder, this place was massive because it required more spacing.
I also Googled to find out the name of the company, and it was Xaxtern Prxtxch Ptd Ltd. (I needed to censor it)
Check this out, comparing 2022 with 2018
(Credit WS) With so much concrete, I wondered how they move around here.
Well, it's a thing of the past...
For now, j I will just embrace the space and save it in my memory.
Just check out how simple the buttons were at that time, so it will be easier for the workers to operate.
So I believe this sheltered part of the factory 
Wow! Just check this out! Wide hall! Based on my friend, R, who visited this place during his poly, said this place was where they cast the concrete.
(Credit WS) Thanks, WS for snapping me in the camera
Most people will climb all the way up but...
I just kept it at a normal level
(Credit WS) Do not want to climb too high
I can imagine how happy and lasting the mosquitoes' party was.
Such a big hall, I doubt a fan can cool down anything.
Let's explore this place!
Beside the shelter hall, you will see a workshop.
Must be messy and happening here
Rusty and industrialized feeling
I wondered will this still work or not...
A hanger was spotted so this might be where the crew hang their gears.
This workshop must be a hot place, I don't see any fans. But... it is best to keep it fan-less because can you imagine the amount of dust that started to dance.
This looked like a shocking face.
What a personalized-made label for a store.
Err... So dark... Skip!
Next - staircase to...
...a blue door...
OOO! it was an office! This looked like a meeting room.
It seemed like their plan until 2012.
I can imagine if I don't have torchlight with me... it will be a dark narrow walkway... Enhanced your Claustrophobia and nyctophobia level.
The kind of office I hate - office wall or partition.
I feel that we are like farm animals in an enclosure...
Let's explore another side of the building
Wirings, cables and switches are not my strong field. I can never make any sense of it.
Up to the next floor...
Looking back at the store and office... They seemed so small.
This looked like the workers' dormitory
Looked like a typical toilet area
From this view, it looked nice and wide but during its operational time, it was packed with concrete and dust; it didn't look nice at all.
There was no space for imagination.
Now left empty, which is the perfect moment for anything.
(Credit WS) Wow! WS's camera can straighten the whole thing. Amazing! Way better than mine. 
Hmm, what were they doing here... Looked like a storage space as it was quite enclosed.
Spotted a water pond, what does it say?
(Credit WS) Yes! Reflection time!
Trying out different angles.
(Credit WS) Looking out for interesting features of this place and not interesting people like me simply spoiling the scene. Haha 😂
Sometimes just don't bother how others see, just living in the moment.
(Credit WS) Pushing away all the negatives but I don't have enough strength to do so...
I hope no one is injured during those days.
(Credit WS) Last and only graffiti in this whole place
This place seemed like a storage space for some red thing as it left a strong marking on the wall.
Ooo! A Control room. Everything seemed so retro and simple.
Pretending to operate this
(Credit WS) Pretending to pose for WS. LOL!
Hmm... WS said the highlight is up the stairs. I wondered what is it...
This was the place where to mix the material.
It looked like Udder! Hahaha! My friend, R, said it is a silo.
Sit here and imagine the noise that this place made
(Credit WS) Great photos from WS :)
He reminded me not to step on this board as it was a soft board and it was a dangerous fall.
More Udder shots
Too bad, I forgot to capture the whole udder here.
(Credit WS) WS suggested that I could pretend to grab it but I am too short for it.
ooo... where did this lead?
(Credit WS) Time to enter the silo's hole but I am too fat for this.
(Credit WS) Let me snap a photo inside.
Looked like a crescent
(Credit WS) Me and that Silo or Udder
I always love pictures of me emo-ing with a strong light at the back... 
(Credit WS) ...and looking away. Love this one.
(Credit WS) Hmmm, alright, time to explore the upper floor.
Last look at the unique rooftop
oooo! This was where the source was from.
(Credit WS) Big mixture!
(Credit WS) Time to operate the lifting hook
I think this one was used to lift up stuff from the bottom
All the way down there.
That was the hole which looked like a crescent from the silos below.
(Credit WS) It was fun to echo through this pipeline.
What a mess
Oooo! Time to go down there and explore that tower.
We had to hide because we triggered the alarm! There was a sensor around there.
After detecting where is the sensor, we tried to seek closer... Credit my friend, R., he said that this was a conveyor belt to send down aggregates and cement.
..Approached closer to this rusty tower.
Hmm... why there was a skirt-like thingy for...
This place gave a different vibe.
(Credit WS) A vibe of never-say-die...
Ooo no... my camera battery life was red-low... Meaning I can't snap many photos as I still have this building left to explore...
I needed to be selective to snap the most unique features here
This tower looked rather compact or clump
Just check out the bed of powder here.
Not very sure what were these tanks for...
Water mixture tank??
I guessed I had to tell my camera to rest well first, as it managed to snap the last photo for my trip.
(Credit WS) Time to think of getting a new camera... my camera battery life drained so fast...
(Credit WS) Thanks, WS for snapping these awesome photos. Love to have a great photographer on the trip and won't mind having an untoned, not-model-enough me to pose in his photos.
What an interesting trip to explore such an abandoned place. Around that site, there are many abandoned factories too, and it seemed like it was abandoned for quite some time. From what WS had said, not every abandoned place is interesting and I have to agree with him. At least, this one is unique due to its size and rusty industrialised vibe, better than an empty space and boring office...


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