Bintan - Nirwana Gardens

Hi Blog,

What exciting news for me that I got a chance to visit Bintan Resort! I heard a lot about that place but only had a chance to explore that country with someone who has experience there.

I foreseen that there won't be food for a vegetarian nerd like me so I will go with some backup.
Why so? Usually, those who go to Bintan resorts are families, couples, and a group of friends... I am single... Bringing my mother to the resort is not a great idea without anyone who can or anything to keep my mother entertained...
Woke up very early to get to the Harbour.
Oh yes, back to the topic. Yes (in my head)! I could hear some people start to advise me since I am single, I could take this chance to invite a lady with whom I have feelings, to stay at Bintan resort and remind me that this is my chance to get a girlfriend to move my first move! I don't know who is smoking weed or just to be funny. The first condition has not been met; is that lady interested in me? If they want to go, they will agree to go with a single guy (especially when I am just an acquaintance ugly dude) or their lady friends?
A crowded bus ride to the harbour by taking bus 35 at Tanah Merah station.
As a Singaporean for 40+ years, this is my first time visiting this part of Singapore.
Time to check this place out meanwhile got a guy checked and judged me #updownleftrightcenter.
Hmm... Quite decently wide and typical setup that simply fulfils its functionality. About checking in, it is based on the ferry booking timing. We needed to clear the customs an hour earlier. Typically, during the weekends, this place will be packed.
Yes! After a long wait, we were finally able to go over to the ferry.
Long scroll and sadly they covered the sides. I guess it is to prevent rain from pouring over.
(Credit D) Are you ready for the trip? I am all ready!
It is quite spacious and cooling ferry. Based on to shape of the ferry, it has extra spacing to install one more seat by the side, enough leg space for me!
After a long wait, it's time to depart our beloved country to the next.
Along the way, the thought of getting someone/some single girl to go on an island trip still stuck in my mind... Like I was calculating the chance... Most people's mindset is to get any single girl, just simply invite any single girl (like or don't like) and they will 100% agree to go on an island trip with a single old man... Are they just forcibly pushing positivity in me or they could get a girl easily without an issue or I am just feared of rejection... There are many factors to be considered to have it work. Firstly, that single girl has feelings for me to begin with and won't mind going on a trip with a dude like me. Secondly, is she the one whom I like too? Won't it be awkward for any of us to go on the island to do our things or even do things together? Lastly, if she has zero feelings for me, am I going to pretend to be cool about it and continue to try out with other girls? Seriously... Am I thinking too much? Maybe I should smoke some of their weed to daydream like them.
Oh! Estimated about an hour, we had arrived at Bintan! And based on the world timezone, it is an hour behind Singapore time. BUT! Bintan is East side of Singapore, based on the geographic longitude of Earth, the sun's position will be earlier than Singapore.
Here is a map of the time zone to express my thoughts.
Anyway... got a girl or not, it doesn't matter... It was too late. Time for me to explore Bintan!
A simple map to showcase the location of the resorts available in Bintan. There are so many of them... I feel like to complete the visit to all the beach resorts at Bintan. I better conserve this thought before I get over-ambitious... I saw a website with a clear map image here, you can read her blog.
(Credit D) For the start, let's begin with Nirwana Gardens. They have a free shuttle bus to take us there, but we can't take there ourselves on public transport unless you can trust their taxi service.
After a slightly long journey to the resort, we arrived at the Nirwana Gardens lobby but then realised we were supposed to check in at Beach Club (one of the Nirwana Gardens facilities). They sent a friendly staff to drive us there. What a five-star service!
A short ride and we arrived at Beach Club. The friendly lobby staff tried their best to serve us by introducing us to some programs that we could do here and ensuring we could take their bus service to return to the jetty the next day.
Oh, what an intricate Indonesian cultural design here and I love the wide bed-like wooden seat here, I wonder what is the name of it? Sadly, I am a poor man who can't afford such furniture and a space for it too.
Ah, an overview of the whole Nirwana Gardens site and free shuttle bus service timing.
(Credit D) Yippee! Arrived at Beach Club!
(Credit D) This would be the space where D and I will be staying. I noticed there was no one staying at this place besides us.
What a chill moment, just sitting outside the house... And feeding the mosquitoes! Oh my!
Quickly entered the house, and it was just a simple house with a bed and TV. Not like a five-star hotel room. But... A bed... My worry started to load... I might affect D tonight...
Right beside my stay, there is a pool filled with apple snails! Many dead snails and alive ones too... Only the hardiest fish can survive in such conditions.
Anyway... Without a doubt, the beach is my main purpose for the visit! 😂 It looks like Lazarus Island but flatter and quieter!
Ooo! Did you see something special there? A small island connected to the main.
Typical seaweed washed out from the beach.
JUST CHECK OUT THE WATER! Aww! It is so clear!
(Credit D) THE WHOLE BEACH IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Credit D) I got so happy and overwhelmed by the scenery, that I just quickly undressed to my trunk and yes! Thanks, D for helping me to become my photographer.
(Credit D) I am a Beachboy! or... A Beach Uncle. Luckily, there was no one around to receive eye-sore damage from me besides D.
(Credit D) Oh wow! A shot that I dreamed of having; looking away to the horizon and on top of a rock.
(Credit D) If the wave was strong and splashy, I would do a little fat man-maid pose!
Like this, but... I doubt D will want to wait to do it for me.
They put a signage to keep people from adventuring further.
For me, I would like to see what the connection of the beach looks like. D will stay put somewhere while I explore alone.
Luckily, the water was calm and didn't have many sharp-edged rocks under the water.
ARRIVED! I felt so happy like I owned this part of the island to myself.
I think that I could lay down here suntan alone except... the mosquitoes were hungry here and don't want to keep D waiting.
If I get a chance, I will explore further :)
Just look how calm the water is here.
(Credit D) In the middle of the beach, stick out four sticks... What are they for?
(Credit D) Check out the height of it. That was random. I saw there was a rope tied around the stick, perhaps it was used to tie someone up.
While D went back to the room to take a nap, I just walked around exploring the place. Today it seemed like this zone barely has anyone around. I can hurt the wandering spirits' eyes with my untoned body.
Alright, I had enough walking around as there was some staff laughing at me from a distance. I better return and rest.
For lunch, D suggested that we travel to Kelong Seafood Restaurant by their own inner shutter bus.
The restaurant has a vegetarian option but... they have included onion and garlic so next time, whenever meal we (as vegetarians) are going to have, it is best to enquire whether that dishes have those vegetables or not.
After that, we continued to explore Nirwana Resort beach; previously, it was Nirwana Beach Club beach. This one looked so vast. After that, we went back to have a power nap before dinner.
We decided to go to visit Nirwana Gardens Resort to have our dinner there and saw this amazing 3D map of the Nirwana Gardens area. Love the intricate part of this map so mesmerizing.
Time passed so fast, that this place already turned dark.
It was just 7pm (Indonesia Timezone)! I guessed based on the longitude of Bintan, that it should be 8+pm (based on Singapore timing)
(Credit D) Since there was a pool right in front of the restaurant and I left 30 minutes before they closed the pool, I was all ready for a quick swim! Sitting by my favourite type of beach chair but this one, they had removed the cushion.
(Credit D) I had never swum in the pool in the dark and the lighting here was perfect.
(Credit D) Speaking of lighting, this spotlight was perfect under such a dark setting.
(Credit D) I am an ugly toad with a frog.
D and I decided to end our night early and returned back to our room. Surprisingly, no one was walking along the low-tide beach...
Just check out a dark sky.
(Credit D) It was really quiet while walking back to Beach Club. I felt safe walking around in a pair of swimming trunks, pretending to feel confident. Hahaha. I only made D awkward...
After a good wash, I decided to take a stroll along the beach as I felt that I could find something interesting here.
Aww... Nice star formation but cloudy. I forgot to bring a mat to lie down on the dark beach to view the stars,
As I brought my laser torch.
To point to the night sky and perfect to identify constellations. I guess I will bring it to my next Taiwan trip.
OOOO! I spotted many large hermit crabs! I believe there have been a lot of them in the past but due to pet demand, their number is greatly reduced.
They are cute but they are best to keep at the beach.
At least, it was interesting to see they took over some interesting shells as their home like this one took over a snail shell..
On the beach, I found a sand dollar exoskeleton! In Singapore, we barely see one of these. This one is a smaller version of a sand dollar. I believe in other countries, we can find a bigger version. I decided to keep one dollar for myself as I was too excited and collected too many of them back to the house.
The next day, I woke up early to see the sunrise but to realise... Mr Sun already lit up the sky.
I left the remaining sand dollars on a rock and thank you for rewarding me last night.
Ah! it seemed like I was early :)
No one woke up to see sunrise except an Indian couple.
Yes, I always wanted to try to lay in this, it was so comfortable.
Admiring the sky 💓
Just look at the changes in the morning sky
D also woke up and I told him to go for a good soak by the pool.
Now it was a perfect time to showcase the beautiful pool at Nirwana Gardens Resort. (Credit D
(Credit D) Let me show you around!
(Credit D) You know what I like here? I love this pool isn't like a typical swimming pool. It looks like an "artificial" nature pool.
Check out the scenery within the water, I felt like swimming like a fish,
As a fish, I swim to a nature bar to chill. What an interesting and memorable approach, I love this :D
I love these fake rocks because they broke my idea of a pool.
I felt I was in a different place... A place where I feel no judgement and freedom to be myself.
I love this resort!
(Credit D) One of my wishlists is to have a picture by the infinity pool.
(Credit D) Because I want to become the connection between manmade and nature.
(Credit D) After spending a good time communicating with D, I sensed strongly behind his speech, he sounded tired and restless... Don't know why... sounded like I am the main problematic person...
I tried not to invest that thought and felt excited over the finding of Nepenthes gracilis
trying to chill...
...trying to neutralise my emotions
I think we should go back sooner.
Honestly... I just wanted to move away from the inner voice... It was painful to listen to myself... Other people's words are just a trigger point. I just hate myself... 😥😭
And thanks to the sound of the sea... took away my inner voice... At least, it became my life buoy for the moment to keep my sanity until the end of the day.
It seemed like... I am too easily trusting others... by opening myself up widely... Like a hermit crab... leaving its shell, exposing its vulnerabilities and never understanding why Heaven gave it such vulnerabilities... But I tried not to sink further...
Anyway, D and I walked back to Nirwana Gardens' main lobby.
(So sorry to trouble D again) What a realistic elephant sculpture placed here.
D told me there is a Resort Centre...
...where you can engage in some recreational activities like Air Rifle, Archery... 
...Flying fox etc
Well, I was not prepared to engage in these activities this time, as we were about to check out for the day.
After checking out, we still had around 3 hours for lunch and free-and-easy before taking the shuttle bus to the jetty.
Check out the naming for each house at Mayang Sari Beach Resort, quite interesting.
While we were having lunch, the weather changed so fast.
Since we had some time on our side, I will go for a last beach visit.
I don't care that much and just want to save myself from sinking into the cold deep dark abyss...
The sound of the waves was so calming.
At least, it helped me to forget my problems...
I could tell the waves were trying hard to calm me down and reaching out for me.
Even Miss Cloud was trying to keep the rain away from me... Don't want to dampen my emotions.
Oh... my feet hurt due to the sand abrasion...
Since I had no mood to swim in the water and to avoid the risks in fast-moving waves...
Caution of the dangers around me...
I just changed back and closed my eyes to reflect and manage my emotions...
Thanks, D for troubling you for taking pictures of me on this trip. Don't worry, this one will be the last. I won't trouble you anymore.
What a magnificent eagle sculpture, I love how it spreads its wings, so powerful and full of dominance! I remembered that I had one mini version similar to this at home, but my mother didn't like it at all so it was destroyed...
On our way back, we entered the building in front of the big eagle. It seemed like people would be taking the ferry ⛴ in the earlier part of the day and for the later part, will be focusing on the returning Singaporeans.
D told me that if we returned on Sunday, it would be very crowded.
Since there was some time before our ferry time slot, I stepped out to snap a picture of the available resorts in Bintan. Perhaps one day, I can visit other places too... I won't disturb D anymore... He was already kind enough to endure my nonsense. I will do it by myself.
After a long waiting for the ferry, We made our way to the back of the ferry. Wow, I didn't know there was a food counter here. I noticed a couple of Westerns (naturally they are loaded) purchased some snacks for themselves.
Goodbye Bintan and D! Thanks for everything. Love this place (even though, I don't get to see the natives' lifestyle)
With a heavy mood in my head, I will set up a smile for the overall positive experience on this island.
The overall experience of Nirwana Gardens Resort, they have friendly and helpful staff and never fail to smile at their guests. It is an ideal place to relax. Their swimming or infinity pool is just beautiful, along with their clean white beach. I will come back again for sure.


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