Hi Blog,
Today's morning where would I be heading to? Recently, I saw someone share an interesting place on their social media that looked familiar... My gut feeling told me the time had come and after enquired about the entrance...
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It's time to explore before it was gone. |
Yes, as titled, you might already know where I was heading, right? Let me show you around if you still don't have any idea.
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I was planning to go alone but my invitation to my urbex friends had responded to explore together. |
I was so excited for this exploration. |
After a long journey, finally we arrived! |
Anyway, we had arrived at our destination. |
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After some hard work, we managed to get in and this place was where not many of us had even visited before. |
Imagined when there is no one to sweep the path, in just a few months, nature will start to take over this place. |
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Hmmm... What a big toilet that greeted us first... |
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As I pan, a beautiful Banyan Tree was standing beside the toilet... |
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...and a water park was right in front of the toilet. |
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Oooo! I didn't remember seeing this playground at all when I visited this place. |
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Ah, it is a splash zone. The toilet was meant for this zone. |
I think usually, we (those without kids) were busy walking around to check on the birds rather than spending time here; hence I don't remember knowing such a place before. |
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"Hello!" The parrot said. I replied but it didn't respond to me anymore. |
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Ooo, a water slide! |
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I could imagine this slide would be a fun one. |
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There were many beautifully sculpted birds placed in this water park. I doubt the kids will look at them more than once. |
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Perhaps now it was quieter, we will start to appreciate such small things. |
I would like to play here especially now there was no one around (in my mind) |
(Credit WS) ...and pose with the whole thing. |
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Beside the water playground, there were some random water features too. |
Cheers and acted cute in front of them. |
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Looked like a monkey bar playground but it seemed like it was damaged by a fallen tree. |
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Hmm... Interesting giant bird figure above there. |
Small dry playground here, so only the kids might be able to have fun here. |
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I guessed this area would be the sheltered spot for parents to have an eagle's eye over their kids. |
What a cute and beautiful ceiling artwork. |
Forever fixed time clock. Not so useful. Hahaha |
Ooo, this place was called, Birds of Play. |
Since we came here... instead of browsing the surface, we should cover places where we didn't get to access like this - their staff zone. |
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This one looked like their kitchen... |
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...or pantry area. I think this should be the correct term. |
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An empty desk filled with memories |
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or... a cupboard filled with trash? Hahaha |
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But... sometimes you will find some 'new' leftovers. I didn't take that... |
(Credit WS) I took two beautiful feathers! Later I will show you up close. |
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There used to be a series of display panels of Birds of Prey, but now the display was gone. |
A stage for Birds of Prey. I could not remember what was shown at that time... But I could confirm a Barehead eagle was flying across the audience to the stage. |
This time, I could go up to the stage to look closer. |
Hmm... I forgot how it was liked last time. |
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(Credit WS) WS took a secret shot of me engaging the empty pond. |
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Behind the stage... there were cages for the birds. |
(Credit B) Entered one cage and... |
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Anyway, it's time to explore other zones. Sadly I can't find any eagle-related stuff. |
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Ooh... A giant Banyan spotted. What a beautiful one. |
They utilized that banyan tree as a backdrop for one of their displays. Nice! |
Interestingly, there was a cage hidden behind the banyan tree backdrop. A lot of ants were crawling here though, can't share the spot with them. |
Quickly exited that place and snapped at somewhere safer. |
Approaching a restaurant and found a small performance table. |
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Entering the restaurant I barely would step in for anything. Today was the day that I would check what was inside. |
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Nice meshed door panel that I don't see every time. |
(Credit WS) for snapping such an awesome picture with a forest background for me. |
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Next, Wings of Asia. Weird... I barely remembered getting such a place. I checked my previous visit in 2021, and yup I had not visited this place. |
Great to cover those which I had missed out. |
OOO! This one looked like a greenhouse with glass panels above. |
An empty cage was spotted and I was caged inside. |
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B saw me becoming a mosquito buffet, how thoughtful of him, he passed me a mosquito repellent cream to apply on my skin. When I squeezed the cream on my palm... 🤔 It looked like... Bird poo or man dxck. 😂😂😂 No matter what it looked like, this cream worked magically! From that onwards, I don't feel any more bites! Later I will snap a picture of it as I will be getting it! |
(Credit WS) Empty greenhouse hence we went in to explore the staff workplace. When it was lit up, it looked like a place that was good enough to chill; but when it was dark, it gave this place a different vibe like a villain's lair with a torturing spot. |
(Credit WS) We found a big spiderweb with a nest of baby spiders. I tried to use my phone to capture the shot but WS's camera was able to capture the beauty of it. |
Ah, next stop - Bird Discover Centre. I wondered what we find inside. |
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Magnificent birds. I remembered there was a giant bird skeleton at the entrance, besides these words but it was gone. |
Oh boy! It was dark here. If I came alone, I wouldn't want to enter a dark place... |
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If without the help of light and others. It's quite a big place. |
(Credit WS) Big place big egg. They enlarged this egg 🥚 to show the little small holes for the chick to breathe. |
Next beside Bird Discovery Centre was Lore Loft, another spot that I had never visited. Do you know why? From outside, it looked like a place from Jurassic Park. |
Was I expecting a dinosaur to pop out from the wood? Yes! 😂 But anyway, walking on this wooden boardwalk was rather risky... A lot of "loose" wooden planes started to crack as I walked on it. I had to step on those nails and nuts (the enforced location) which was the most secure part. |
(Credit WS) Finally solid ground, now can walk at ease and be captured by WS. |
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Ooo! Speaking of captured, A Golden silk spider built its nest right on our path and here I can show you the power of a camera with a proper lens and phone. I tried my best to stay focused to snap the spider. |
(Credit WS) But WS captured it at the right focus and clarity which I wished to have. |
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As we explored further to unauthorized zones, I found a cool path with long plants behind the bird cages; it looked like a bamboo forest. Haha |
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Hmm, rather familiar location which we can't access further. |
(Credit WS and B) I am a Dino descendant too! What a Rare weirdo laying eggs, haha! |
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The hot sun started to make us feel that we were in Africa! |
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The wind fan or don't know what is its name, was still functional. |
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Ah, I didn't realize Bird Bird Park got a monorail in the past. This platform used to be one. Sadly, I didn't experience it when it was around. |
Perhaps it was great to snap a picture of it before it went to the history book. |
Ah, I remembered on my previous visit, this place was lifeless especially when it was raining and the birds just sat there motionless. |
But looking now, it was also lifeless. Hahaha, no difference.
(Credit WS) Ah, African Treetops zone. I remembered my last visit, my mother and the rest just touched and left... I didn't have time to explore this place. |
I moved away from WS and B because I got a bit hard, so I would have stepped away to cool down. |
The amount of fallen leaves started to stack and thicken the platform. |
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As years go by, it will get worse. |
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A nice, small bridge like Tree Top Walk. |
(Credit WS) The next stop was Waterfall Aviary, one of the main highlights of this park. |
ooo, without maintenance the place looked rundown and plants started to creep in. |
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Ah! Very dramatic vines here. Oh, yeah, this place was a monorail before too. |
I didn't realise when I first visited this place and now it started to become more obvious. |
I didn't remember seeing a cage here previously. Time to cage me. |
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At least, some things were unchanged. |
Hmm... I could sense the wildness of plants in this place as compared to the past. Whenever we see a tidy place, it means human activity is involved. |
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I remembered that I would see many colourful parrots around here. |
The bridge to get closer to the waterfall. |
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Now the water had stopped, no more splashing sound and gentle breeze from the waterfall. |
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Everything looked so still. |
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I decided to go closer to the waterfall... |
...and had a last shot with the waterfall. |
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The next stop was Parrot Paradise. I remembered this place was a noisy paradise. |
(Credit WS) Time to become the noisy human in the cage. |
(Credit WS) Or hiding. |
You know... the feeling of being inside the cage was so... boring and restrictive... Like their space was limited yet safe. |
(Credit WS) Wanted to become a bird but I am too heavy to be one. |
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I don't know why I snapped a photo here but just snap anyway. |
We checked out the staff zone behind those display cages and found more cages! |
(Credit WS) Don't put me into the cage again! |
(Credit WS) Wait! The small opening was closed! |
(Credit WS) I am locked! |
(Credit WS) How come I look so pathetic in this picture? I just dared not stand up on the metal mesh as it might not be able to support my weight. |
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The last zone - the entrance where the pickup point of the monorail. |
I remembered that this spot had many colourful parrots for photos, which I missed a chance to; do as they were not free... What about a captured man photo? |
(Credit WS) Finally got this chance to take a picture with this emperor penguin without anyone behind me. |
(Credit WS) I don't know where we were exploring already. As I had not visited here before and that place was dark; without WS's strong torchlight, I doubt I will have any picture here. |
(Credit WS) Nice! A giant birdcage again. Hmm... Just how many times I was locked behind the cage? |
The last stop - Pools Amphitheatre. What a difficult name. |
Let's explore further here. |
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Laying down there to admire the beautiful shelter and sky. |
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Oooo... behind the stage was a fake rocky wall... |
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...and an office! |
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...more cages and operation areas. I didn't snap a lot as my camera battery life was at the lowest. |
Watching behind the stage was a different feel. |
Okay! we were tired and my camera died. Luckily, it was about time for us to leave. Thank you Bird Bird Park for hosting us before you were gone. Thank you. |
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In the end, I have to say... This one works well for me. I don't feel any mosquitoes bite at all after applying! Highly recommended. |
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I took back this beautiful eagle photo... |
...and two blue feathers from Hyacinth macaw which I attached to a pen and pencil. |
Overall, I loved this visit of re-walking and capturing images of this place which I can remember. I wondered if should I come back again? We shall see.
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