Serapong Unknown Ruins

Good Morning Blog,

Recently, I've observed a team of urban explorers venturing into lesser-known areas in Serapong. Two of them, including the Chasing Peaks blogger, disclosed the location πŸ“ to me.

I thought to myself that I would try it on my own.
However, I need more confidence to proceed alone, as my intuition advises against it. Luckily, some fellow explorers mentioned they were heading there, so I wanted to tag along to be safe.

Went to the toilet to make chocolate cakes twice: once before I got on the train, and again after I got off. Better than I got it while exploring.
Hmm πŸ€” today's weather seemed promising. Thanks Miss Sky for making such an arrangement.
I met the explorers at Beach Station, and my stingy habit kicked in—I walked into Sentosa without paying the entrance fee. Ooo... I didn't know there was a bus to bring us to Serapong! πŸ˜‚ Previously, I just walked a distance!
The bus stopped at Sentosa Cove, this is my first time stepping into this place!
While walking along Sentosa Cove (the rich residence), I can sense the vibe... I can never mix or interact with the rich.
Observing children in a heavenly state, free from concerns and worldly issues, as they engage in various activities... Children from affluent backgrounds often exhibit confidence and competence as a result of extensive exposure provided by their parents, in contrast to children from less privileged families... While in this world, the poor won't even want to have children or be unable to get married because they have observed the facts that raising a child requires... Even finding a partner is also skewed toward comfortable earning power or better. I must admit, the imbalance bothers me. Unfortunately, I don't have the power to rectify it. Such is the nature of our human society. I greatly admire sages and saints who remain mindful of the people on Earth and gently nudge those in Heaven to be more aware and awaken from the illusion.
Oh well, I spent too much thought over off-topic content... I've been thinking about off-topic content for too long!
Sentosa Mini Tower πŸ—Όwithout any interesting feature
Okay, they found the entrance which was located randomly along the road.
Today's exploration was to bash through the wood.
After bashing through an upslope wood, we found our first πŸ€” I don't know what is this.
The structure appears to have been designed for the purpose of concealment and self-defence by gunners.
I overheard the explorers use the word "Casemate", I think this should be it.
Casemate πŸ€”
Three seats, perhaps these were for gunners defending themselves from three directions.
The innovations and tactics deployed during war-related matters were truly remarkable and impressive.
Oooo! Another Casemate is nearby.
Intertwined vines are interesting. It took years to see this outcome.
Casemate no2 - looks like a cabin.
At least, this one still has the door πŸšͺ
Don't know how long it will last.
Similar setting to the first one.
I wondered about three different seats for three different directions serving different purposes or accommodating people of different heights.
Something unknown to me was this. Don't know what was it for? Looked like a cabinet.
The explorer informed me that the casemate number on the old map was incorrectly labelled. When I asked how they knew, they pointed out the faded inscription above the casemate entrance.
Hmm πŸ€” it seemed like we had been waiting at the two casemates for some time... Unsure what was next, so I just waited... More than 30 minutes later...
One of the explorers started to move, and we were bashing through a downhill slope, which seemed difficult to walk...
I heard and witnessed, beneath the leaf litter layer, ant and termite trails! They covered quite a wide area!
Anyway, continue bashing. The explorers were taking their time, trimming thorny plants to create a path which made me feel that I should get one cutter for myself πŸ˜‚
Viney jungle
Check these out! Honestly, I'm not sure I can handle it solo.
Fortunately, I was with the explorers, and they were familiar with the correct direction. We made a sharp right turn, upslope and arrived at another ruin.
Here is the water pump/filtration room
Hmm πŸ€” Everyone else seemed to have been in this room except me, so I took my time to inspect.
Weird... I heard a soft "drop" sound somewhere but where was it from? πŸ€” After careful inspection, there were big-sized geckos 🦎 on the ceiling, and they could hold themselves properly and dropped onto the ground.
Scared me, I thought the sound was from this machine but luckily, it was not.
Hmm, why did they need a tap on top of this machine?
This jerry can here was probably used to carry water or pour it... As I read back what I had written here πŸ˜† Is it obvious? πŸ˜‚
Besides the water pump room, there is an opening formed by the vines. What a massive vine that I have ever seen.
My imagination started to run.
We continued down pruning and bashing...
We came to a large unknown structure and there was a small opening beneath... What was this structure?
I glanced around and saw a few pipes like this one sticking out from the top of the structure. Based on the explorers, said this was a water vault or reservoir for Fort Serapong.
I was shown two separate openings that led into the vaults. Strangely, didn't dare to go inside.
Hmm, a weird feeling though... While waiting for the explorers to prune the area.
Our next destination was just beside the vault; it was an upslope that connected with a pipe.
It seemed like there was a large platform up there.
Forced entrance
Hmm... where is here... Pipes are everywhere.
Wow! This large platform used to be a reservoir!
The platform was collapsed...
I utilized my selfie stick to inspect the area below.
I doubt we will be going down to explore.
As the clock ticks, this place may not endure much longer. I hope it won't harm any explorer when the moment of change arrives.
The explorers suggested that since I was already here, I should go inside for a look. Hmm... I'm not sure why, but I don't feel safe... It's a bit too dark.
A collapsed platform has been spotted nearby. Is it safe for me to enter the area?
Br decided to lend me his torch so I decided to give it a try.
Just looked at the amount of darkness here.
Without Br's torch, I doubt I can even snap any pictures beneath.
But... my feeling was not right... I felt I should not go down further...
But Br insisted on exploring further, so he got down alone.
As you can observe, without a torch, this is your view. After descending the narrow stairs, you will traverse along a narrow ledge, and besides the narrow ledge,ge you will get down into the reservoir with a height of 1.8 meters. So I just stayed at the top of the ledge to accompany Br.
(Credit Br) Thank you,ks Br for snapping the pictures for me to look back at.
(Credit BrTheseis pictures look so rusty like Silent Hill.
(Credit Br) Oooo! He found a ladder here... Where lead?
(Credit Br) The photographs here are captured beautifully, each contains some form of mysterious vibe.
(Credit Br) In a final effort, I assisted Br by shining my torch as if I were staying by his side to keep 'the shadow' away from him.
Next, we were making our way back to the summit of Fort Serapong, but it required passing through a tunnel. Regrettably, I forgot to take pictures at the beginning. This tunnel, located beside the large reservoir, was infested with termites! Lacking a torch, I had to keep pace rather than lag behind.
As I ascended the staircase, I noticed something flying around that resembled a "bat," but it turned out not to be bats at all; they were birds.
It seems interesting to take a picture here but don't want others to help me to take the picture... as I am just an eye-sore...
Looked! Bird Nest!
Br continued his way out and I can't get the picture here...
Another casemate here after we exited.
Interesting place! Thanks to the explorers.
We arrived at a place that was familiar to me. It was an intriguing trip!
I noticed a mini locust on a leaf. It looked adorable.
While exploring the unknown ruins at Fort Serapong, I felt immense gratitude towards the explorers. I had reconsidered my initial plan to venture here solo, realizing that it wasn't a feat to undertake alone. It seemed like Heaven knew my intentions and orchestrated this journey for me. Typically, the explorer group's WhatsApp chat is filled with posts of their discoveries and, rarely does anyone initiate a hike. Yet, curiously, they proposed an expedition to the very place I had intended to visit by myself (I didn't mention n to anyone), despite my limited knowledge of it. For this unexpected turn of events, I am deeply thankful.

Updated on 26th Jun 2024
I got myself a pruner like the explorers so I can prune the thorny plants myself!


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